beit zayit messianic congregation
Building a Yeshua-centered Judaism for Israel and the Nations.
For two thousand years, anti-Jewish patterns of thought and action have created a deep divide between Yeshua, Judaism, the Jewish people, and the nations. Removing Yeshua from within Judaism has robbed the followers of Jesus and the Jewish people of shalom and blessings. This tragic separation has stalled the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth.
The path towards the Kingdom of God involves bringing Yeshua, Judaism, Jews, and Gentiles back together for the sake of the world. Beit Zayit is a Messianic Jewish space that is dedicated to this process of restoration.
Here are some additional statements that express who we are and how we function:

BZMC is a community that learns and grows as disciples of Yeshua chiefly through Scripture and other traditional Jewish sources.
BZMC is a community that seeks to grow in observing the Torah according to traditional Jewish norms.
BZMC is a community that takes care of our own by praying, serving, forgiving, comforting, rejoicing with and providing for each other.
BZMC is a community that welcomes diversity, questions, and respectful debate by cultivating and protecting an environment of safety and inquiry.
BZMC is a community that practices Tikkun Olam (a Jewish concept meaning to repair the world) by giving our time and resources to shine the light of Yeshua.

BZMC is a congregation that practices Messianic Judaism. It serves as a space where Jews can live out their covenant calling as Jews with Yeshua at the center of their Torah observance.
BZMC is a home for Messianic Gentiles who desire to practice Judaism – and they are valued as people who are a distinct, equal, and essential component of Messianic Judaism.
BZMC is part of the Augusta County/Staunton community and seeks to serve with and participate in the vibrant Jewish life offered here.
BZMC is part of the Body of Messiah and as such we seek to build relationships with churches, Messianic congregations, and ministries in Augusta County and beyond.