NOTE: The Jewish calendar date begins at sundown of the night beforehand. Thus all holiday observances begin in the evening before the calendar date.

Beit Zayit gladly welcomes visitors for holiday services and events. You are welcome to contact us at for a detailed schedule of services and events.

Beit Zayit is very excited to be sharing these festivities with you and your families. Come and learn the importance of each Festival and how you can incorporate them into your family traditions. There are several services and activities planned during the months of September and October that you, your family and your friends can all enjoy! Important dates, locations and times for each Festival are below for your convenience.

We know you will be blessed by each of these special appointed times.

All events at Verona Community Center, unless specified differently below.

rosh hashanah

10/2/24 Meal at 5:00pm

Bring a dish to share

Location: Verona Community Center

Service at 6:30pm to 8:00pm.

tashlich service

10/3/24 12:00pm

Location: Gypsy Hill Park near band stand

Service followed by lunch and fellowship together. Bring your families lunch ‘brown bag style’.


10/06/24 2:00pm

Location: Crimora Park

Mikvah Service. Folks who missed the Tashlich service may cast their pebbles at this event as well.



Kol Nidre service starting at 7pm

Location: Verona Community Center

A night of traditional liturgical prayers, and sober gratitude to our High Priest.  Many will be fasting. It is traditional to wear white on this holy day.


Shabbat morning 10/19/24 at 10:ooam-12:15pm.

Location: Verona Community Center

This is our regular Shabbat service with extra rejoicing.

Bring: your things for Oneg at the river afterwards.

Shabbat afternoon after 12:15pm

Location: Snider River Sukkah (see River Land note below)

After our Shabbat morning service, we will caravan to the Snider’s sukkah by the river and eat our Oneg there. 

Bring: food, weather-appropriate clothing and shoes, other outdoor comforts that you want.

Sunday 10/20/24 at 2pm-8pm.

Location: Snider River Sukkah

Eating and fellowshipping under the sukkah by the river

Bring: food, weather-appropriate clothing and shoes, and any other outdoor comforts that you want.  You can also bring your lulav and etrog, if you have them! These are non-alcoholic events.


Address: no address, but when you turn on Blue Heron Lane (gravel road), follow it all the way to the end.

There are no houses/buildings on the Snider’s land.  There will be a sukkah, a generator (which can support a few crockpots), a port-a-potty and hand-washing station, tables, chairs, tiki torches, and a fire pit. 

If you don’t have 4-wheel drive, you can park at the top of the hill and ride to the bottom with others.


10/23/24 10:00am

Location: Verona Community Center

Meal at 5:00pm and service starting at 6:30pm to 8:00pm.

Celebration, dance, music, and teaching at end. Celebration of the 8th Day and of Simchat Torah (rejoicing of Torah)