Beit Zayit Messianic Congregation’s
Mission and Vision Statements
Beit Zayit is a healthy Messianic congregation, currently meeting in the Verona Community Center in Verona, Virginia. As a congregation, we are dedicated to the Great Commission of Yeshua as expressed in Matthew 28:18-20, as well as Romans 1:16, which states: “For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is G_d’s powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile.” (CJB)
Yeshua-centered worship of the g_d of abraham, issac, jacob
Mission Statement
To develop teach and grow a community of disciples who follow, serve, share, and worship the G_d of Israel, through His son Yeshua in the Shenandoah Valley and beyond.
Vision Statement
Beit Zayit Messianic Congregation desires to be a healthy community, consisting of both Jewish and Gentile (non-Jewish) believers, where they can grow in their faith. Jewish seekers can come to examine the Messianic claims of Yeshua in a safe and familiar environment, while maintaining their strong Jewish identity. We strive to be a bridge between the nations and the Jewish people and demonstrate the unfailing love of Yeshua to all people.

Who We Are
No Personal Agendas Allowed:
Beit Zayit is about the study of G_d’s Word and building community. It is not a venue where we advance our own theological agendas, political opinions, medical advice, marketing schemes, or conspiracy theories.
join us saturdays at 10am
Meeting at the Verona Community Center
465 Lee Highway
Verona, VA
(540) 712-1426
Meetings held at
465 Lee Highway
Verona, VA
Shabbat Meetings
Saturdays at 10am