NOTE: The Jewish calendar date begins at sundown of the night beforehand. Thus all holiday observances begin in the evening before the calendar date.
Beit Zayit gladly welcomes visitors for holiday services and events. You are welcome to contact us at for a detailed schedule of services and events.
Beit Zayit is very excited to be sharing these festivities with you and your families. Come and learn the importance of each Festival and how you can incorporate them into your family traditions. There are several services and activities planned during the months of September and October that you, your family and your friends can all enjoy! Important dates, locations and times for each Festival are below for your convenience.
We know you will be blessed by each of these special appointed times.
All events at Verona Community Center, unless specified differently below.
Purim party
03/16/25 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Bring a dish to share dressed as your favorite hero. A great meal, a brief teaching and we will read the story of Esther.
Location: Verona Community Center
pesach Passover seder meal
04/13/25 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Ticketed event. Get your tickets now at
Location: Verona Community Center