Hashem loves a cheerful giver.

Thank You

A rabbi once rose to discuss the finances of the synagogue with the congregation. “I have good news and I have bad news”, he said. “The good news is that we have all the money we need.” As the congregation smiled with satisfaction, he continued, “The bad news is that it’s all in your pockets!”

It’s really pretty simple—God provides for the work of Beit Zayit through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whether you are an in-person or virtual member, your support is vital to sharing the message.

Our approach to money squares nicely with Paul’s words in Corinthians:

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart what to give, not reluctantly of under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

Thank you for your faithful giving.

In Person

The little wooden box on our information table is called a tzedakah box. Place your gift inside during services.

Securely Online

Electronic giving was once a convenience. But with social distancing it has become a viable method congregants are using to support their congregations. By taking a few minutes to set up online giving, you can quickly and easily contribute to Beit Zayit and even set up automatic giving.

Mail a Gift

If you can’t give in-person or electronically, you can always mail your contributions to our mailing address:

Beit Zayit Messianic Congregation

1200 Springhill Road

Staunton, VA 24401